Wednesday 1 April 2009

Giraffes and Marshmallows

Today I had an interesting conversation ... mid sit-ups and other weird Gym-style excercises about a talking donkey.

You heard, a talking donkey.
It's biblical too.

Numbers 22 has a man and his donkey and an angel. Long story short, Angel in road - donkey sees, man doesn't. Donkey stops. Man gets angry with donkey and whips it several times. The angel then gives the donkey the ability to speak. The donkey turns to the man and says something along the lines of 'why are you whipping me, I have been loyal to you and taken you wherever you have needed to go' - something to that effect anyway... and so on. The point is, the donkey talks.

A fair few months ago, lets say around 5/6 months I had a house that I wanted to move into and no housemates. So I prayed that I would find people to live with because I cannot afford it alone at the moment and I have a house to rent out ... so I prayed. The house is 5 bedrooms.
My lovely friend Chande, from Uni, said she wants to move to Manchester with me (from Weymouth) but for a long time it was just the two of us. 2/5.
After a while Mum rang me (I was in the South of England) saying that another girl, Mel (she's wonderful) needed accomodation from August 09. Winner. 3/5.
God was moving. He was providing for me and for people in need of a house. It was great (still is)
Tonight one of the girls from lifegroup said she would love to move in also, Amy. I am looking forward to this more than ever now. 4/5.
Over the last few weeks, Katie, another girl from life group has been thinking about moving in too ... which would be a full house. God really knows what he is doing. From panicking about 5/6 months ago to chilling out about a full house ... I am filled with awe and wonder to such a perfect God.

* Good Times *

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